Swiss Movement Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches Online For Sale

Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches

Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches has contributed a unique Melchior clock, originally created to celebrate the brand's tenth birthday. This is a table clock in the shape of a robotic. The futuristic design features displays for sweeping seconds and jumping hours on the chest. Its eyes are used as seconds indicators. On the abdomen, there is a display for power reserve. The Swiss brand L'Eppe was the exclusive manufacturer of the Melchior movement, which has a power reserve lasting up to 40 days. The robot clock has movable arms and is designed to look as lifelike as possible.

The Melchior piece by Max Bussier's brand is a fascinating piece that will certainly bring your inner child out. This is a deliberate feature of the model. The saying which inspired the model is very clear. On the back of the robot, you can see the quote "a creative child is an adult who survived".Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches The clock looks so childish that it's hard to resist becoming one.

The clock was originally created in collaboration with Swiss-based Chinese designer Xin wang and the prestigious L'Epee brand, which is the only high-end manufacturer that is solely dedicated to clock creation. Melchior's first edition was 99 pieces. The 100th and final Melchior, with its red shoulders in shades of Monaco's flag, is specially made for the Only Watch event.

The display is cleverly integrated in the robot design. On its chest, two discs with typical Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches numbers are used to show jumping hours (on left) and minutes.Bell & Ross Replica Watches The robot's eyes "blink" at intervals of twenty seconds to make Melchior more realistic. On the abdomen, there is a display that shows the state of the massive power reserves. These can last up to forty days. Five barrels in series are able to store such a large amount of power.

The glass dome on top of the robot head allows one to see how the "brain" of the clock works. This is the regulator. The left forearm of the robot can also be removed from the structure as it is used to wind the watch movement.

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